
For the first time I decided to try sculpting in blender. It is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but never thought I'd be able to do. Eventually I caved in and decided to try to make one and I'm pretty happy with the result.
Although there's a lot to improve, I feel good about the facial features that I decided to sculpt. For example the nose could've been more defined and less smooth. The ears are obviously not fully sculpted, but I wasn't really confident in actually making them good, so I decided to just make them very basic.
Obviously I did follow some reference and get inspiration. For this project I loosely followed this video by YanSculpts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HIqc02BBeY Who is a very talented 3D artist with great tutorials and tips on how to sculpt in blender.
I will continue trying to learn sculpting in blender and get good at it by trial and error, and also watching videos and tutorials on it.