Stylized Bullet Spray

Stylized Bullet Spray
The Final Render

Just had an idea of this style and wanted to make it in blender. I don't really know where I got the inspiration from, but I'm happy with the results.

I tried going for some sort of silhouette render where there are little to none details and the whole point of the image is bold colors and contrast.

The cartridge is a cylinder with some extrusion here and there and textures to outline the extrusions. The black material is very reflective to get the white light-streak reflections on them. The bullets are UV-spheres that are cut in half and scaled until they have a longer shape. Finally I added some black streaks, trying to make the perception that the bullets are going very fast without using motion blur or anything like that.

The background for this render is a plane with some texturing to have the brighter-blue streaks on it to make the picture more interesting. I also added some black triangles at the bottom and top of the camerera field of view to make some weird cinematic aspect ratio thing.

I am most happy with the cartridges and think the bullet streaks could have been better, but I just don't have any idea how.

Viewport Solid View